Price & Payments

The price of the products and any additional delivery or other charges is the price set out on the Website at the date of the order or such other price as we may agree in writing and confirm in your Order Confirmation. You will provide us the opportunity to correct any errors we make when quoting a tailored package.

Prices and charges include sales tax at the rate applicable at the time of the Order. Please inform us if you are a business, as different sales tax rates may apply.

You must pay by submitting your credit or debit card details with your Order.

You can pay in full or through 4 equal monthly installments of the total purchase price.

The first payment is a refundable deposit. It is due before the start of the process. Please see withdrawal, cancellation, and refund terms below if additional information is needed.

For more custom packages we may agree different payment terms, however terms must be put in writing and agreed upon between both parties.

Upgrades are invoiced immediately and need to be paid before we can proceed with the process.

Any invoice we send to you is due for payment within 7 days.

We reserve the right to suspend all work on your project if any payment is overdue.

Withdrawal, Cancellation, and Refunds

You can cancel the Order by sending an email with the title “Order Cancellation” to [email protected]. You don’t need to give us a reason however you may not be eligible for a refund.

Our products are personalized. Printing is a small part of the cost of the product Intangible Treasures provides. Therefore, if you would like to cancel a project once the writer, designer, illustrator or any other person providing a service directly related to your project has begun work, your ability to request a refund is limited and not promised.

In relation to partial refunds, if you cancel:

Within 7 business days from your Order date, we will provide a 60% of the price of your package if you have paid in full;

You are no longer eligible for refunds after 7 business days from your Order date.

We will make any applicable reimbursement without undue delay, and not later than 14 business days after the day on which we are informed about your decision to discontinue our services.

We will make the reimbursement using the same means of payment as you used for the initial transaction. We are not able to repay by check.

If you do not communicate with Intangible Treasures for more than 30 days during the course of your project without informing us about this beforehand, we terminate your project with no refund. Intangible Treasures agrees to attempt to contact the customer at least 5 times by email or voicemail or a combination during this 30 day period.

We ask that all parties keep communication respectful at all times. Intangible Treasures reserves the right to cancel projects where abusive behavior is directed towards our team, whether abuse occurs in person, in writing, or over video or phone call(s). Examples of abusive behavior include swearing, derogatory tones of voice and/or sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic or otherwise bigoted language, and any other behavior that Intangible Treasures will reasonably deem to be abusive. In severe cases, the customers project will be immediately terminated and the customer will not be eligible for a refund. Intangible Treasures reserves the right to inform authorities of threatening and violent behavior.


We will deliver products to the Delivery Location by the time or within the agreed period or, failing any agreement, without undue delay. If any step in the process is delayed by the customer or a Contributor, delivery of the products is likely to be delayed and we will promptly notify you of changes to estimated delivery date.

We have no opportunity to store products. Therefore, if you are dispersing copies to family members and delivery fails you may need to reorder additional copies and pay again for your Books and shipping.

The products will become your responsibility from the completion of delivery. You must, if reasonably practicable, examine the Goods before accepting them.

We will replace products that arrive with printing defects or shipping damage. We ask that you send us photographs for our documentation and send an email to [email protected] within 48 hours of receipt of your product. Once the 48 hours have passed, Intangible Treasures is no longer responsible for any damage or defects.

We do not offer any warranties with respect to the products.

Need help?

Contact us at [email protected] for questions related to refunds and returns.

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